
Volleyball Senior Night

FALL SPORTS- First week of tryouts/practices
More About FALL SPORTS- First week of tryouts/practices
Summer Athletic Information
Please use the QR Code or Link for all of the information regarding Summer Athletics at Loy Norrix for 2024 https://docs.google.com/document/d/15o6UZ3Stcwi2tNNS4FyAys9BLEiLzNtZjI1UYHpQlwE/edit?usp=sharing
More About Summer Athletic InformationTeam News

Summer letter from Coach Robertson
MEN Varsity FootballDear Players and Families, I hope your summer is going great and you are enjoying all the joys of summer. The off-season program for Loy Norrix Knights Football has started with great numbers from all three levels. That’s right! All three levels!! Those registering to play have increased in number that we are trending toward having all three levels again this season. Final determination will be made in August so stay tuned. Excitement is building as we make our way through the Strength and Conditioning Program as well as Team Summer Camps. The goals are lofty, and the players know it's going to take hard work to achieve them as we rejoin the SMAC division. The players that have attended the off-season activities have been given 100% effort. I consistently express to them that the team is being built now during the summer months, as we see who is going to work hard alongside them when it counts during game nights; in the weight room is where trust
More About Summer letter from Coach Robertson
Electronic Athletic Registration
MEN Varsity FootballWelcome Back Knights! We are excited to announce all of your Athletic Registration wilIf l be electronic. Two big factors: 1)If you played an approved MHSAA sport last school year and had a vaild physical, you do not need a new physical. There will be a parent waiver that needs to be signed once the electronic forms are released. We anticipate by July 31. 2) The MHSAA should be releasing a Final Plan to Play around July 31 from which we will take our guidance from as well as the school district. For now, please just stay in tuned to what is happening the best you can. It is fluid and can change daily. We all want school and athletics!
More About Electronic Athletic Registration
Teens who belong to something positive have higher success rates
Girls Varsity VolleyballShe found a family with her school team. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QSaoJAmgog&feature=youtu.be&utm_source=NFHS+-+%23MyReasonWhy&utm_campaign=a1c9948e5c-MyReasonWhy_CAMPAIGN_2019_6_04&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_883dc02008-a1c9948e5c-28085561
More About Teens who belong to something positive have higher success rates
Her reason why she played for her High School Team...
WOMEN Varsity Soccerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoOWOtnGeow&feature=youtu.be&utm_source=NFHS+-+%23MyReasonWhy&utm_campaign=44408cd875-MyReasonWhy_CAMPAIGN_2019_5_21&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_883dc02008-44408cd875-28085561
More About Her reason why she played for her High School Team...
Football Schedule Update for Week 2
MEN Varsity FootballHere is the current Football plan updated for Week 2: *Holland, our original opponent, did not field a Freshman team this season. *Schoolcraft does not have a Freshman team. The Freshman Team will travel to Battle Creek Pennfield tomorrow for a 4:30 game. We were able to arrange and confirm just after Noon today as Pennfield lost their Freshman opponent yesterday. The Sophomores who have completed their state mandated days of practice and have shown up to all practices this week will dress for the Varsity game on Friday. The Varsity team will travel to Holland on Friday for a 7:00 P.M. kickoff. The game will be played at Hope College. There are a lot of schools without sub-varsity teams. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding as we try and match up games for our athletes. We do have 8 Man- JV games set for Weeks 5, 6, 8, and 9. Those are on the football schedule page at lnknights.com.
More About Football Schedule Update for Week 2
Fine tune your High School Experience, Join a Team this year!
WOMEN Varsity Golfhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnjOrjV0i54&feature=youtu.be&utm_source=NFHS+-+%23MyReasonWhy&utm_campaign=3171ec769f-MyReasonWhy_CAMPAIGN_2019_5_14&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_883dc02008-3171ec769f-28085561
More About Fine tune your High School Experience, Join a Team this year!
She learned how to work with others...
WOMEN Varsity Softballhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?utm_term=0_883dc02008-98b77c1588-28085561&feature=youtu.be&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=98b77c1588-MyReasonWhy_CAMPAIGN_2018_3_26&v=t37P4RrIgDE&utm_source=NFHS+-+%23MyReasonWhy
More About She learned how to work with others...
She uses Athletics as a positive way to release Emotion..
WOMEN Varsity Tennishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDr5Il8aHHM&feature=youtu.be&utm_source=NFHS%20-%20%23MyReasonWhy&utm_campaign=fe21e74aa7-MyReasonWhy_CAMPAIGN_2018_3_12&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_883dc02008-fe21e74aa7-28085561
More About She uses Athletics as a positive way to release Emotion..
This Athlete tells her reason why playing 2 sports is better than 1
WOMEN Varsity Basketballhttps://youtu.be/9VnEbzucxqk
More About This Athlete tells her reason why playing 2 sports is better than 1
This Student-Athlete found he belonged in Hockey
MEN Varsity Ice HockeyPlease encourage students to get involved in an activity at Loy Norrix. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpah3RJIAaw&feature=youtu.be&utm_source=NFHS+-+%23MyReasonWhy&utm_campaign=8ff226ec42-MyReasonWhy_CAMPAIGN_2018_11_20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_883dc02008-8ff226ec42-28085561
More About This Student-Athlete found he belonged in Hockey
The Reason Why this Athlete participates in Cheer
WOMEN Varsity Comp Cheerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOPjNiAmkzk&feature=youtu.be&utm_source=NFHS+-+%23MyReasonWhy&utm_campaign=1510ea52d9-MyReasonWhy_CAMPAIGN_2018_11_6&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_883dc02008-1510ea52d9-28085561
More About The Reason Why this Athlete participates in Cheer